Strengthening HR Competency In The Product Agreement For Raising Funds And Financing At KSPPS BMT Khoiru Ummah East Java


  • Muhammad Kambali STAI Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia
  • Muhamad Arif STAI Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia
  • Ardianas Taufik Prakoso STAI Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia
  • Nur Lia Rachmawati STAI Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia
  • Ibrahim Rahmatullah STAI Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik, Indonesia


Fundraising, Mudhorobah, Murabahah


KSPPS or BMT is needed by the community, especially people engaged in micro and small businesses. The existence of KSPPS is the answer to capital problems for MSEs that are relatively unable to access capital. In addition, KSPPS also has a significant role in breaking the chain of dependence of MSE actors on loan sharks. This significant role is certainly a big business opportunity in the world of Islamic Finance. Not infrequently found in the field, Sharia Cooperatives still carry out their business operations carelessly and tend to conventional activities. Departing from the above conditions, it is important for the role of all stakeholders to synergize in strengthening the capacity and strengthening the understanding of KSPPS human resources in the contract and operational principles of the Islamic financial world. The assisted subjects selected in this activity are KSPPS BMT Khoiru Ummah East Java employees. The results of the implementation of this assisted activity are reflected in an increase in human resource understanding related to the dimensions of fund raising product contracts and financing product contracts. As many as 70% of responses said they understood very well, which showed a change from conditions before mentoring, 45% said they understood very well, an increase of 25%. While the initial data before the training was 15% who stated that they understood enough about the fundraising contract, increased by 10% to 25% who understood enough. While those who at the beginning stated that 40% did not understand the fundraising product, it was reduced by 35% to 5% who did not understand the fundraising product. Departing from the results of this assistance, it is very important to increase synergy from all stakeholders in the world of Islamic finance.


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