Assistance Of Vocational School/SMA/MA Students In Developing Literacy Culture Through Journalistic Training In Randegansari Driyorejo Village
Students, Literacy Culture, Journalism, Achievement.Abstract
Students are the main asset of the nation's human resources who must be empowered from an early age through life skills education, including the ability to read and write. One of them is by assisting outstanding students at the vocational/high school/MA level in developing a literacy culture through journalistic activities. This program was carried out based on the discovery of problems from the results of the researchers' preliminary research where they excelled in academic achievement at school but were lacking in non-academic achievements such as journalism and scientific writing. This is because their school environment has not created a literacy culture ecosystem, the school library is not adequate and literacy activities have not been held intensively. This empowerment program for outstanding students uses the participatory Action Research (PAR) method whose operational work includes 4 stages of activities, including; 1. identification of problems, needs and potential, 2. program planning and design, 3. implementation and monitoring, 4. program evaluation to determine the achievement of program objectives. The assisted subjects are 20 outstanding students at the SMK/SMK/SMA/MA/MA level. The program implementation time starts from March to April 2023. Meanwhile, the location of the activity is at LKP Ibnu Khaldun. The results of the mentoring program that can be felt include; 1. The capacity and achievements of students are increasing and excelling in both academic and non-academic achievements, especially journalistic skills and scientific writing; 2. Students' sensitivity, concern and literacy skills towards social problems are increasing; 3. Students have more mature provisions to undertake further studies at undergraduate tertiary institutions; 4. Students can become ambassadors of literacy culture for their friends where they study and in the community where they live.
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