Utilization of Creative and Innovative Aurora 3D Media-based Learning Technology


  • Akhmad Sirojuddin Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto, Indonesia




Learning technology, aurora 3d media


Madrasah Aliyah NU or in short MANU Sunan Giri Prigen geographically this village is located at the foot of Mount Arjuna where the majority of the people are farmers influencing the level of public awareness for education. Several other problems from the environment in rural areas, low socialization and information about technology result in teachers also not understanding about the development of learning methods needed for students who are more enthusiastic about learning. The era of globalization which focuses on technology today is also a challenge for educational institutions to be able to adapt and be able to compete towards the goal of quality education in a way that every teacher needs to realize the importance of utilizing technology as a student learning method, therefore it needs support from educational institutions through policies to provide wide and open opportunities for teachers to improve and develop their competencies and skills by participating in training and facilitated by internal institutions and external programs. In this service activity is carried out in three steps, namely observation, implementation and socialization and the last is evaluation and recommendations. This service has the benefit of helping teachers to recognize, know and implement learning technology media using aurora 3D which emphasizes the potential of the brain or brain based learning, for students the method through learning technology can increase student learning motivation so that class enthusiasm increases and it is hoped that it will also be able to improve achievement both academic and academic students.


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