Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas SDM Tenaga Kependidikan


  • Nurul Hidayat Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto, Indonesia


Principal Management, Quality of Human Resources, Education Personnel


This research is motivated by the quality of human resources for education personnel who are still unreliable. So that the duties of personnel and administration, both those relating to educators, students, parents of students, sympathizers, and even administrative requests from the Office Branch are often neglected and unresolved. This is because the education staff appointed are still inexperienced, their educational qualifications are not linear, some are still in college, some also have teaching hours, sometimes they still get other assignments from the Foundation, the salary is relatively low, the number of assignments for education personnel and the lack of assistance. from the Principal.. The results of the research show that the management of the principal in improving the quality of human resources for education personnel at the Islamic Vocational School of Darus Salam Sumenep, namely by conducting IHT (In House Training), assisting and directing education personnel, then delegating education personnel to attend special training for educational staff so that human resources qualified and able to carry out all the duties and responsibilities of education personnel with professionalism and quality. And the obstacles faced by the principal in improving the quality of human resources for education personnel at the Islamic Vocational School of Darus Salam Sumenep, namely: 1). The intervention of the chairman of the Foundation in the recruitment of education personnel, 2). The recruited education personnel prioritize alumni who graduate from S1 but their educational qualifications are not linear, 3). The recruited education staff have no experience at all in terms of the duties of educational staff, 4). The low honorarium given to education staff, 5). The recruited education personnel cannot be used as permanent education personnel (permanent employees) who are included in the Dapodik and A GTK East Java.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, N. (2023). Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas SDM Tenaga Kependidikan. BHINNEKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pemikiran, 1(1), 98–105. Retrieved from